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Sassy Books

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  • John Hunt

An Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing


Hip, real and raw, SASSY books share untamed truths, spiritual insights and entrepreneurial witchcraft with women who want to kick ass in life and start revolutions.

Who will read SASSY books?
- women with brains, beauty and a whole lot o' badass
- members of lady-kind who know that feminine power and heart-led commerce are radical, ground-breaking forces
- spiritually aware, gutsy girls
- girls who want to make money AND change the world.

SASSY Books are:
kick-ass chick lit/fiction
entrepreneurial insight
Spiritual practices for girls on the go
memoirs of successful/inspiring women
personal-development for go-for-it girls
self-help for women who don't dig self-help
how-to guides
compilation case study books
spiritual business titles
uplifting and inspiring, no-bullshit insight books

John Hunt Publishing encourage you to explore the "Our Imprints" section to learn more about our uniquely qualified publishers and their supporting teams.

Last updated: 
3 Jul 2013 - 5:09pm

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