If you are not already aware of the Darwin Awards If you are not already aware of the Darwin Awards, check out Wendy Northcutt's inspirational contribution to evolutionary theory. If you put this stuff in your books, nobody would believe you!
Alternative American news and underground culture site with a liberal perspective, which describes itself as 'the search service of choice for individuals looking for information on current affairs. politics, new science' and "hidden information". www.disinfo.com
United States
United States |
Richard Lawrence Wade's campaigning website which has as it mission: 'to encourage flexibility within English speling similar to the language’s versatility of expression and innovation of vocabulary so that, year by year, a new consensus on preferd spelings wil emerge to enable greater ease of written communication and wider literacy.' www.freespeling.com
United States
United States |
Alternet American site offering an alternative view of the news, supported by the not-for-profit Independent Media Institute. The database contains more than 7,000 articles on all aspects of current affairs and recent events. Also runs the Alties alternative movie awards. www.alternet.org |