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6th Books

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  • John Hunt

An Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing


Investigations, explanations and deliberations on the paranormal, supernatural, explainable or unexplainable. 6th seeks to give answers while nourishing the soul: whether making use of the scientific model or anecdotal and fun, but always beautifully written.

Titles cover everything included within parapsychology: how to, lifestyles, alternative medicine, beliefs, myths and theories.

The 6th reader is an intelligent seeker of information and challenge.
The 6th author delivers exactly that.

We accept books that cover the following:
Alternative/complementary medicine: hypnotic matters and other healing modalities within subject
Angels, Atlantis, Auras, Beliefs, Bermuda Triangle, Chakras
Cryptozoology (Loch Ness Monster, werewolves, Big Foot, phoenix, unicorn and other legendary animals)
Energy healing, ESP
Folklore – faeries, superstitions
Ghosts, spirits, demons, spectres, poltergeists, doppelgangers
Historical parapsychology, How to, Lifestyles, Lucid dreaming
MBS in varying forms
Mediumship, Memoir, Myths and Legends, NDE, Paranormal investigation, Possession
Psychic-ness: abilities/development, Intuition, Reincarnation, Remote viewing, Telepathy
UFOs/Aliens, Unexplained phenomena such as: Orbs and Crop Circles
Vampires, Witchcraft related

John Hunt Publishing encourage you to explore the "Our Imprints" section to learn more about our uniquely qualified publishers and their supporting teams.

Last updated: 
3 Jul 2013 - 2:33pm

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