Some of the books about writing we have serialised
- Novel writing 16 Steps to Success by Evan Marshall
- How Not to Write a Novel: Confessions of a Midlist Author by David Armstrong
- Inspired writing 52 Brilliant Ideas by Alexander Gordon Smith Current serial
- Editorial advice series on 2007
- ABC_Checklist The ABC Checklist for New Writers: How to Open Doors and Get Noticed the First Time Around by Lorraine Mace and Maureen Vincent-Northam
- Writing Biography & Autobiography by Brian D Osborne - three excerpts from this title from the A & C BlackClick for A & C Black Publishers Publishers References listing Writing Handbooks series, by kind permission of the publisher
- Writing for Children by Linda Strachan - Since many writers who come to the site are interested in writing for the booming children's market, we are delighted to be featuring two extracts, by kind permission of the publisher, A & C Black