Founded 1989.
Adult and children's fiction, educational, non-fiction, film, TV, radio.
Send preliminary letter, synopsis and sae.
Represented by Sanford Greenburger Associates Ltd in USA.
Translation/foreign rights the Marsh Agency Ltd.
Founded 1989.
Adult and children's fiction, educational, non-fiction, film, TV, radio.
Send preliminary letter, synopsis and sae.
Represented by Sanford Greenburger Associates Ltd in USA.
Translation/foreign rights the Marsh Agency Ltd.
Book-length MSS; general but with special experience in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, history and education (20% worldwide including sub-agents' commission).
No fiction, articles or short stories except for existing clients. No children's books.
In order to consider your work they require the following material:
If you would rather submit by post, please state how you would like to receive your response (by email or post). If you would like a postal reply please include a small stamped addressed envelope or a large correctly stamped envelope if you would like your work returned. Please only send a copy of your work and not the original as items do go missing in the post.
Authors include Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Hugh Brogan, Donald Winnicott, Peter Moss, Sir Arthur Evans, Dorothy Richardson, Hugh Schonfield, Georg Groddeck, Patrick Casement, John Seely.
Full-length MSS, fiction, non-fiction, adult, juvenile, educational, academic books; films, TV, radio (home 15%, overseas 20%). Preliminary letter, synopsis with sae required. No reading fee. Co-agents in London and New York. 100 clients. Founded 1977. Children's fiction and non-fiction (home 15%, overseas 20%).
Handles picture books, junior and teenage fiction, film/TV tie-ins, non-fiction and reference; educational (primary). Also handles adult fiction and non-fiction, and film, TV and radio; approx. 50% of list is for the children's market. Concentrates on New Zealand authors. Send book proposal with an outline and biography. No reading fee.
Co-agents in London and New York.
Children's authors include Joy Cowley and Maurice Gee - the agency has approx. 50 on books.
Founded 1977.