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Agents Specialising in No Children's Books

5130 Bellaire Avenue

North Hollywood, CA 91607
United States


  • B J Robbins
  • Robert McAndrews

Founded 1992. Handles literary fiction, narrative and general non-fiction. No scripts, genre fiction, romance, horror, science fiction or children's books. Send covering letter with first three chapters or e-mail query in the first instance. No reading fee.

Commission Home 15; Foreign/Translation 10%

Overseas associates Abner Stein and The Marsh Agency, UK

B J Robbins Literary Agency website
001 818 760 6602
001 818 760 6616

PO Box 20184

London, W10 5AU
United Kingdom

London-based literary agency which handles adult fiction & non-fiction only - memoir, travel, popular culture, multicultural writing - commission: home 12% overseas & radio 20% TV, film & electronic 20%

Film, TV and radio rights mainly sold in works by existing clients. Does not represent screen writers for Film & TV and stage plays, or children's books. Editorial advice given to own authors. Initiates in-house projects.

Not taking on any new clients at present.

Founded 1997

020-8968 3089

5 Queen Anne's Gardens

London, W4 1TU
United Kingdom


  • Caroline Davidson

Handles novels and non-fiction of high quality, including reference works (12.5%). Does not represent children's books, crime, erotica, fantasy, murder mysteries, occult, science fiction or thrillers.

Submission Guidelines:

Send the first 50 and last 10 pages of your novel.
A three-sentence description of it (such as might appear in a preview of new novels in 'The Bookseller' magazine)
A detailed synopsis
Your full-length c.v. or resume

A covering letter giving:

practical details about your book (current word count, the date you started, the number of drafts so far)

the history of your novel to date (explain what first prompted you to write it and when; its writing history; who has read it at different stages and their reactions; which elements derive from your own personal experience; which required research, and your own appraisal of its current state).

No email submissions

Include stamped S.A.E for the return of your material

Authors include Peter Barham, Nigel Barlow, Andrew Beatty, Andrew Dalby, Emma Donoghue, Chris Greenhalgh, Tom Jaine, Huon Mallalieu, Simon Unwin, Caroline Williams.

Founded 1988.

Association of Authors' AgentsThe association of UK agents. Their website ( gives a Directory of Members and a code of practice, but no information about the agencies other than their names. The association refers visitors to the UK agent listings from The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook on the WritersServices site.
020-8995 5768
020-8994 2770

PO Box 70098

London, SE15 5AU
United Kingdom

Represents fiction and general non-fiction. Does not represent children's books, science fiction/fantasy, poetry or scripts.

Commission: (home 10%, overseas 20%). Works in conjunction with agencies in Europe and Scandinavia.

Submission Guidelines:

Send the first three chapters and a synopsis of the remainder, together with a short covering letter. You must enclose a stamped S.A.E. (If you are outside the UK, please use international postal orders). Does not accept submissions on disc, by email or fax. Submissions should be typed using double-spacing on one side of the paper only; please remember to number the pages.

No reading fee.

Founded 1984.

Association of Authors' AgentsThe association of UK agents. Their website ( gives a Directory of Members and a code of practice, but no information about the agencies other than their names. The association refers visitors to the UK agent listings from The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook on the WritersServices site.

020-7401 8844
020-7401 8860

55 Monmouth Street

London, WC2H 9DG
United Kingdom


  • David Godwin
  • Heather Godwin


DGA is a small agency, representing a range of non-fiction and literary fiction. Does not represent any reference, science fiction, fantasy, self-help, teen or children’s books, poetry or collections of short stories.

Send in the first three chapters of your work (or about 50 pages) with a brief synopsis and covering letter. If you would like your manuscript returned, please include the correct postage and packaging. If you would prefer a response from the agency via email then just provide your email address. Does not accept any submissions via email.

Please do not contact the office to check on the status of your submission as they do not keep records of manuscripts received. If your submission is of interest, they will contact you directly.

Founded 1995.

is a small agency, representing a range of non-fiction and literary fiction. Does not represent any reference, science fiction, fantasy, self-help, teen or children’s books, poetry or collections of short stories.

Send in the first three chapters of your work (or about 50 pages) with a brief synopsis and covering letter. If you would like your manuscript returned, please include the correct postage and packaging. If you would prefer a response from the agency via email then just provide your email address. Does not accept any submissions via email.

Please do not contact the office to check on the status of your submission as they do not keep records of manuscripts received. If your submission is of interest, they will contact you directly.

Founded 1995.
020-7240 9992
020-7395 6110

United Kingdom


  • Diane Banks

Commercial literary agency based in central London representing commercial fiction and personality-led, media or current affairs based non-fiction in the UK, US and foreign language markets.

Handles rights in the majority of territories directly rather than via sub-agents, ensuring career development with publishers worldwide including film and TV rights.

Founded in 2006

No poetry, children's, academic books, plays, scripts or short stories. Initial approach by email only.

Send brief CV, synopsis and sample chapters as Word or PDF attachments. Aim to give initial response within 2 weeks.

No reading fee.

49 Great Ormond Street

London, WC1N 3HZ
United Kingdom


  • Ros Edwards
  • Helenka Fuglewicz

Literary and commercial fiction (but no children's fiction, science fiction, horror or fantasy); non-fiction: biography, history, popular culture (home 15%, USA/translation 20%).

No unsolicited MSS or email submissions. No reading fee.

Founded 1996.

Association of Authors' AgentsThe association of UK agents. Their website ( gives a Directory of Members and a code of practice, but no information about the agencies other than their names. The association refers visitors to the UK agent listings from The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook on the WritersServices site.

020-7405 6725
020-7405 6726

24 Thornhill Square

London, N1 1BQ
United Kingdom

Rights agent and consultant; illustrated books, non-fiction (no children's).

Founded 1979.

Elisabeth Wilson website

54 Abbey Street

Bangor, Nortern Ireland BT20 4JB
United Kingdom

Directors / Contacts

  •  Paul Feldstein
  •  Susan Feldstein

Submission guidelines:

Send fiction synopsis, Non-fiction proposal  via email to

Overseas associates

Anne Confuron
Anne Confuron Literary Agency
70 boulevard de Picpus
75012 Paris
T: + 33 1 43 40 02 10 - F: + 33 1 43 40 02 12 - E:

Anna Mioni
AC² literary agency
via de Mandelo 14
I - 35142 Padova

We represent:

Anthony J. Quinn, Padraig O'Morain,  Marsha Butler, Carsten Krieger, Paddy Brosnan, Lesley Richardson, Tanya Ravenswater, Gayle Curtis, Jason Johnson, Sophia Hillan and 40 more...see the web site!

The agency was founded in 2007

44 (0) 2891 472823

91 St Leonards Road

London, SW14 7BL
United Kingdom


  • Guy Rose

Specialises in commercial and literary fiction, non fiction, biography and auto biography (particularly related to politics, show business and the music business) and scripts for film and television. Does not deal with poetry, science-fiction, children's books or educational textbooks.

Send the first two chapters and a synopsis - double-spaced and single sided. Also, a few biographical details. If you would like your material returned, please include a stamped addressed envelope. Email submissions welcome at

If you are submitting TV or film work, an outline, asample episode or section of the script, include details of your own writing background and which producers, if any, have already seen this. Email is fine, but if you are sending hard copy, please include a stamped SAE if you wish the material returned.
020-8255 7755
020-8286 4860

1 Old Compton Street

London, W1D 5JA
United Kingdom

Founded 1982.

Full length MSS. No reading fee but preliminary letter and return postage essential.

No poetry, sci-fi or children's.

Represented in all foreign countries.

Jane Conway-Gordon Ltd website
020-7494 0148

London Office
58 Elgin Crescent
London, W11 2JJ
United Kingdom

Founded 1986.

High quality non-fiction; biography, history, natural history, lifestyle, humour; TV tie-ins, some literary fiction. No science fiction or children's.

Commission terms are: 15% for sales to UK publishers, 20% for sales to US publishers and in translation, 15% for film and TV rights.

The agency works in association with Aitken Alexander Associates for the sale of translation rights ( and with a number of specialist sub-agents for the sale of US rights, of TV and film rights and merchandising.

Preliminary letter (NOT email) essential; no unsolicited MSS.

Mailing address

Barn Cottage
Veryan Churchtown
Truro TR2 5QA
(01872) 501317
020-7727 9409

8 Wentworth Mansions
Keats Grove
London, NW3 2RL
United Kingdom


  • Judith Chilcote

Focus is very commercial, so what she takes on ebbs and flows with the market. She is currently interested in popular psychology, nostalgic memoirs, historical fiction, women’s fiction (no chick lit) and crime fiction

No short stories, science fiction, children's, poetry. Works in conjunction with overseas agents and New York affiliate.

Founded 1990.

Judith Chilcote Agency website
020-7794 3717

19 Chalcot Square

London, NW1 8YA
United Kingdom


  • Judith Murdoch

Full-length fiction only, especially accessible literary and commercial women's fiction.

No science fiction/fantasy, poetry, short stories or children's.

Approach by letter, not telephone, sending the first 2 chapters and synopsis. Submissions by email cannot be considered. Return postage/sae essential. Editorial advice given; no reading fee.

Translation rights handled by the Marsh Agency Ltd.

Founded 1993.

Judith Murdoch Literary Agency website
020-7722 4197

35 Camberwell Grove

London, SE5 8JA
United Kingdom

Quality fiction and non-fiction (i.e. anything that shows wit and intelligence); radio, TV and film, but selling these rights only in existing works by existing clients. Full-length MSS (home 10%, overseas 20%); performance rights (10%). Will suggest revision where appropriate. No short stories, articles, verse or books for children.

No reading fee; return postage essential.

Juri Gabriel is the chairman of Dedalus (publishers).

Jüri Gabriel website
020-7703 6186

Unit 7c, 15 Lots Road
London, SW10 0QJ
United Kingdom


Submission guidelines: A succinct covering letter

Synopsis: Three chapters


Overseas associates represented:

Jane Goodall, Elle Macpherson, Bob Geldof, Helena Morrissey, Steven Bartlett, Omari McQueen, Tiwalola Ogunlesi, Marvyn Harrison, Terroll Lewis, Lia Leendertz, Emma Howarth, Will Young.


The agency was founded in 1998.
020 3124 1860

54 Hartford House
35 Tavistock Crescent
London, W11 1AY
United Kingdom


  • Lorella Belli

Particularly interested in first-time writers, journalists, international and multicultural writing and books on Italy.

No children's, science fiction, fantasy, academic, poetry, original scripts.

No reading fee. May suggest revision.

Send outline plus 2 chapters for non-fiction; synopsis and initial 3 chapters for fiction. Sae essential.

Works with overseas and dramatic associates.
020-7727 8547

7744 Fay Avenue
Suite 201
La Jolla, California CA 92037
United States


  • Margret McBride

Projects Manager

  • Faye Atchison

Royalties and Foreign Rights Sales Agent

  • Anne Bomke

Submissions Manager

  • Michael F. Daley


Founded 1981.

Business, mainstream fiction and non-fiction.

No poetry or children's books.

Submit query letter with sase to Margret McBride.

Detailed submission guidelines



6 Dunollie Road

London, NW5 2XP
United Kingdom

High-quality fiction and non-fiction with an international market.

No children's books or science fiction. TV, film, radio and theatre scripts from existing clients only. Works in conjunction with US agent.

No unsolicited MSS and no email submissions. Approach first by letter (including sae).

US clients include Frederick Hill, Bonnie Nadell Inc., Lynn C. Franklin Associates Ltd, The Miller Agency, Roslyn Targ, Weingel-Fidel Agency Inc. and Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises.

Mary Clemmey Literary Agency website
020-7267 1290
020-7267 1290

50 Albemarle Street

London, W1S 4BD
United Kingdom


  • Stephanie Ebdon

Book-length MSS; general but with special experience in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, history and education (20% worldwide including sub-agents' commission).

No fiction, articles or short stories except for existing clients. No children's books.

In order to consider your work they require the following material:

  • A covering letter a brief letter with your contact details and any relevant information, including any previously published work and any experience which relates to the book's subject matter.
  • A short synopsis. Fiction: outline the plot and main characters. Non-Fiction: a summary of the work and chapter outlines
  • Three consecutive chapters/ no more than 100 pages,
    • this should be double spaced with all pages numbered
    • Please put your name, address and contact number on the front of your manuscript
    • Please ensure that your name and the title of your work appear on all pages
  • Your CV

If you would rather submit by post, please state how you would like to receive your response (by email or post). If you would like a postal reply please include a small stamped addressed envelope or a large correctly stamped envelope if you would like your work returned. Please only send a copy of your work and not the original as items do go missing in the post.

Authors include Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Hugh Brogan, Donald Winnicott, Peter Moss, Sir Arthur Evans, Dorothy Richardson, Hugh Schonfield, Georg Groddeck, Patrick Casement, John Seely.

020-7493 4361

46 Brookfield
Highgate West Hill
London, N6 6AT
United Kingdom


  • Elizabeth Puttick

Not taking any new authors for the foreseeable future.

This agency specializes in general non-fiction (including books by academic authors suitable for the general reader)

Does not handle fiction, poetry, drama, screenplays or children's books.

Prefers to be approached by email. The subject heading should make it clear that this is a publishing enquiry. Any messages that could be mistaken for spam may be deleted.

Initial enquiries should include a brief synopsis (two or three pages) with author information. Please see 'How to write a publishing proposal'. Don't send any manuscripts at this stage.

Prefers not to receive proposals and material via post, and will not sign for a recorded delivery. If you do contact them by post, it is essential to include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SAE) for a reply or the return of manuscripts. Owing to the large volume of submissions, they are unable to give any feedback.

If requested, please send sample chapters with a synopsis, but don't send whole manuscripts unless specifically asked.

It is essential to let them know if your work has been sent to any other agents or publishers, previously or simultaneously to approaching them. It is also very important to tell them if you have any existing agreement with another literary agent, or are negotiating with them, otherwise there may be legal and/or ethical complications later if you sign with this agency.

Full-length MSS (home 15%, overseas 20%). General and narrative non-fiction including health and personal development, biography and memoir, current affairs, business, history, philosophy, science.

No fiction, poetry, screenplays, drama, children's books.

No reading fee

Founded 1995.

0870 751 8098

171 East 74th Street
Floor 2
New York, NY 10021
United States


  • Richard Curtis

All types of commercial non-fiction.

Foreign rights handled by Baror International.

Do not represent stage plays or screenplays, short fiction/non-fiction, poetry, children's books or young adult books. Guidelines

Does not accept queries or submissions by fax or email unless personally requested.


48-56 Bayham Place

London, NW1 0EU
United Kingdom


  • Sheila Ableman

Non-fiction including history, science, cookery, biography, autobiography.

Specialises in TV tie-ins and celebrity ghostwriting. No poetry, children's, gardening or sport.

Unsolicited MSS welcome. Approach in writing with publishing history, CV, synopsis, 3 chapters and sae for return. No reading fee.
020-7388 7222

3rd Floor
4a Nelson Road
London, SE10 9JB
United Kingdom


  • Shirley Stuart

Specialises in literary fiction and general non-fiction.

No poetry, plays, film scripts, science fiction, fantasy or children's books.

No reading fee. Send preliminary letter, synopsis and first 3 chapters plus return postage.

Founded 1993.

Shirley Stewart Literary Agency website
020-8293 3000
056-0116 1121

3 South Terrace

London, SW7 2TB
United Kingdom


  • Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson

    Founded 1995.

    General full-length MSS  - no children's books.

  • Deborah Sinclair-Stevenson

Founded 1995.

General full-length MSS  - no children's books.

Sinclair-Stevenson website
020-7581 2550
020-7581 2550

7 Duncairn Avenue

Bray, Co. Wicklow
  • Managing Director Geraldine Nichol

Full-length MSS (home 10%, USA/translation 20%). Fiction preferred - thrillers, Irish novels, literary fiction, women's novels and general commercial. No horror, science fiction, children's or poetry.

Strong editorial support. No reading fee. Preliminary letter, synopsis and 3 sample chapters (single line spacing). Return postage essential, IRCs from UK and abroad.

Works with agents overseas.

The Book Bureau Literary Agency website
(01) 276 4996
(01) 276 4834

1 Pacio Court

Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1121
United States


  • Evan Marshall

We are actively seeking new clients. We accept submissions in all genres of adult and young-adult full-length fiction. We do not handle articles, children's books, essays, memoirs, nonfiction, novellas, poetry, screenplays, short stories, stage plays.

Submission guidelines

We are actively seeking new clients. Queries should be emailed to In the body of your email, please include: a query letter, the first three chapters of your novel, and a short synopsis of the entire novel.

Emails with attachments will be discarded.

Due to the volume of queries we receive, we regret that we are not able to respond to every query. If we are interested in reading more, we will respond within approximately two weeks.

We represent:

Elaine Barbieri, Tom Bernard, Barbara Block, Leigh Carman, Mary Carter, Nancy J. Cohen, Cheryl Crane, Isis Crawford, Colleen Faulkner, V. K. Forrest, Angie Fox, Judith E. French, Sarah Gray, Michael Griffo, Norah Hess, Dorothy Howell, Hannah Howell, Charlotte Hubbard, Katherine Irons, Alexandra Ivy, Vanessa Kelly, Rebecca Kertz, Naomi King, Sylvie Kurtz, Cathy Lamb, Heather C. Leigh, Laura Levine, Candace McCarthy, Melissa MacNeal, John Manchester, Lisa Manuel, Alyssa Maxwell, Emma Miller, Hunter Morgan, J. J. Murray, Constance O'Banyon, Charles O'Brien, Carlene O'Connor, Sharon Page, Deborah Raleigh, Robin Reardon, Farrah Rochon, Michael Salvatore, Deborah Simmons, Michele Sinclair, Bobbi Smith, Karen Rose Smith, Judith Stacy, V. K. Sykes, and others.

The agency was founded in 1987.

1 Petersfield

Cambridge, CB1 1BB
United Kingdom

Proprietor and Agent

  • Rachel Calder

Fiction: general, literary and crime. Non-fiction: current affairs, social issues, travel, biographies, history.

No plays, poetry, textbooks, children's, technical, legal or medical books.

Submitted work must be double-spaced, single-sided, numbered, typed or word processed with clear contact details. Do not send an SAE as all rejected material is recycled.

Translation rights handled by the Marsh Agency Ltd.

Film and TV rights handled by Sayle Screen Ltd.

Overseas associates Dunow & Carlson Agency, Darhansoff, Verrill and Feldman, Anne Edelstein Literary Agency, New England Publishing Associates, USA.

(01223) 303035
(01223) 301638

229 East 79th Street
Suite 5A
New York, NY 10075
United States


  • Robin Straus

No cookery, humour, how-to, children's or young adult; film, TV, theatre for agency clients.

Works with Andrew Nurnberg


Wallace Literary Agency Inc. website