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Agents Specialising in Full-length MSS

Suite 330, Linen Hall
162-168 Regent Street
London, W1B 5TD
United Kingdom


  • RW Ellis
  • R Ellis

Accepts full-length MSS, scripts for T.V and theatre; also novels, fiction and non-fiction. Represents screenwriters. Agents cover film, TV and theatre as well as literature.

Does not welcome unsolicited material but enquiries are accepted in writing.

No reading fee for synopsis, plays or screenplays, but a fee is charged for full-length MSS. Return postage required.


Domestic: 12.5%

Overseas: 15%

Performance rights: 12.5%

Founded 1982.
020-7434 4262
020-7038 3699

6 Warwick Court

London, WC1R 5DJ
United Kingdom


  • William Hamilton
  • Sara Fisher
  • Victoria Hobbs
  • Euan Thorneycroft
  • Jennifer Custer
  • Sarah Molloy

Full-length MSS. Literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction, children's, performance rights. Also handles adult literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction; 20% of list is for children's market.

Handles picture books, fiction for 5-8 and 9-12 year-olds, teenage fiction, series fiction, film/TV tie-ins and non-fiction.

No science fiction, screenplays, poetry or short stories except for established clients.

Agents in USA and all European countries and Japan. Fiction and non-fiction from age 5 to young adult.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Does not accept submissions via email or through this website.
  • Submissions should be printed no smaller than 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Double-spaced and printed on one side only of A4 paper.
  • Consist of the first three chapters or approximately the first fifty pages to a natural break.
  • Be accompanied by a covering letter and brief synopsis.
  • Please include return postage if you require the material to be returned. AM Heath is not responsible for material once it has been posted back.
  • Does not accept International Reply Coupons, please include an email address if submitting from overseas.
  • Endeavours to respond to all submissions within four weeks of receipt
  • Does not accept picture books.

Overseas associates in USA, Europe, South America, Japan and the Far East.

Clients include Prof. Christopher Andrew, Nadeem Aslam, Bella Bathurst, Anita Brookner, Prof. Kathleen Burk, Joseph Connolly, Stevie Davies, John Dougherty, Geoff Dyer, R.J. Ellory, Katie Fforde, Graham Hancock, Tobias Hill, Conn Iggulden, Marina Lewycka, Lucy Mangan, Hilary Mantel, Maggie O'Farrell, Tim Pears, Susan Price, Ben Richards, Clive Stafford Smith, Barbara Trapido.

Children's authors include Nicholas Allan, John Dougherty, Nick Gifford, Joanna Nadin, Susan Price, John Singleton, Rose Wilkins, Leslie Wilson, the Estates of Noel Streatfeild, Helen Cresswell and Joan Aiken.

Founded 1919.
020-7242 2811
020-7242 2711

Full-length MSS | Non-Fiction
1 U.B. Jawahar Nagar
Bungalow Road
Delhi, 110007


  • S. Balwant

Full-length MSS in social sciences and humanities (commission varies according to market)

Indian books in Indian and foreign languages, foreign books into Indian languages.

Hot topics: Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics.

Charges made if agency undertakes revision; reading fee.

Founded 1975. Also a publisher

36 Great Smith Street

London, SW1P 3BU
United Kingdom


  • Andrew Lownie

Full-length MSS. Biography, history, reference, current affairs, and packaging journalists and celebrities for the book market (worldwide 15%).

Submission Guidelines:

  • 1 page mini-synopsis highlighting with bullet points what makes the book new and special
  • 1 page cv
  • 1 page with a few lines on the five most recent competing and comparable books giving author, title, publisher and date of publication together with a note on how the books relate to the author's own book
  • 1 page on sources used
  • 1 page on any specialist marketing outlets such as websites, organisations or magazines
  • 1 page synopsis per chapter
  • A sample chapter and, if appropriate, some photographs

No reading fee; will suggest a revision.

Authors include Juliet Barker, the Joyce Cary Estate, Tom Devine, Duncan Falconer, Jonathan Fryer, Laurence Gardner, Cathy Glass, Timothy Good, David Hasselhoff, Lawrence James, Damien Lewis, Julian Maclaren-Ross Estate, Norma Major, Nick Pope, Martin Pugh, Desmond Seward, David Stafford, Daniel Tammet; The Oxford Classical Dictionary , The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English .

Founded 1988.

Association of Authors' AgentsThe association of UK agents. Their website ( gives a Directory of Members and a code of practice, but no information about the agencies other than their names. The association refers visitors to the UK agent listings from The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook on the WritersServices site.
020-7222 7574
020-7222 7576

1 East Cliff Road

Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9AD
United Kingdom


  • Annette Green
  • David Smith

Full-length MSS (home 15%, overseas 20%). Literary and general fiction and non-fiction, popular culture, history, science, teenage fiction. No dramatic scripts, poetry, science fiction or fantasy. No reading fee. Preliminary letter, synopsis, between 5,000 and 10,000 words, ideally the opening chapters and S.A.E essential.

Submission Guidelines:

Send or email a short covering letter, a brief synopsis, and between 5,000 and 10,000 words from your book: ideally the opening chapters. If you are submitting material to other agencies at the same time please tell us in your letter. If you are sending hard copy please also includea stamped self addressed envelopefor our reply and for anything you need returned. If you do not include an s.a.e. or an email address we will be unable to reply. Submissions should be addressed simply to the agency, not to individuals.

Authors include Andrew Baker, Bill Broady, Meg Cabot, Simon Conway, Fiona Gibson, Justin Hill, Maria McCann, Adam MacQueen, Ian Marchant, Lembit Opik MP, Prof Charles Pasternak, Kirsty Scott, Peter Shapiro, Bernadette Strachan, Elizabeth Woodcraft. Children's authors include Meg Cabot, Mary Hogan.

Founded 1998.
(01892) 514275
(01892) 558262

Full-length MSS
1501 Broadway
Suite 2310
New York, NY 10036
United States


  • Carl Brandt

Full-length and short MSS.

British Representative A.M. Heath Co. Ltd

Brandt Hochman Literary Agents Inc. website

Film | Full-length MSS | Theatre | TV
25 Ladbroke Crescent

London, W11 1PS
United Kingdom


  • Janet Glass

Full-length MSS only.

Represents theatre, films, and TV personnel.

No unsolicited MSS.

Founded 1932.

Eric Glass Ltd website
020-7229 9500
020-7229 6220

1 Old Compton Street

London, W1D 5JA
United Kingdom

Founded 1982.

Full length MSS. No reading fee but preliminary letter and return postage essential.

No poetry, sci-fi or children's.

Represented in all foreign countries.

Jane Conway-Gordon Ltd website
020-7494 0148

35 Camberwell Grove

London, SE5 8JA
United Kingdom

Quality fiction and non-fiction (i.e. anything that shows wit and intelligence); radio, TV and film, but selling these rights only in existing works by existing clients. Full-length MSS (home 10%, overseas 20%); performance rights (10%). Will suggest revision where appropriate. No short stories, articles, verse or books for children.

No reading fee; return postage essential.

Juri Gabriel is the chairman of Dedalus (publishers).

Jüri Gabriel website
020-7703 6186

Box 412
19/21 Crawford Street
London, W1H 1PJ
United Kingdom


  • Diana Beaumont
  • Philip Patterson
  • Imogen Pelham
  • Catherine Pellegrino (Children's specialist)
  • Sandra Sawicka
  • Leah Middleton (film/TV)

All full-length MSS, including commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction, crime, thrillers, commercial, women's fiction, children's, science fiction, history, biography, sport, travel, health. No poetry. Send first 3 chapter

Happy to review new work. Please note they do not represent stage plays or poetry.

See website for individual agent's interests and send only to the agent who is the best match.

Electronic submissions greatly preferred.  Please do not send enquiry or query letters without a sample of the actual work, nor advertisements, qualifications, testimonials, or marketing ideas. These are a waste of your time: only the work matters. Hand written or illegible submissions will not be accepted. Elaborate bindings, folders and packaging are unnecessary.

Submissions are confidential and will be safely shredded if they are unable to offer to represent you. Handling and postage costs means that they no longer return manuscripts, nor do they log them on receipt. Nor can they discuss your work with you before you become a client.

Represents commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction. Please send a covering letter, a synopsis showing the structure of the completed work, and the first three chapters by email. Allow six weeks for a reply.

Represents theatrical motion picture screenplays, TV and radio plays. Please send a covering letter, short treatment and the entire screenplay, by email, to Leah Middleton. Allow six weeks for a reply.

<first name>
020-7935 9499
020-7935 9115

85 Charing Cross Road

London, WC2H 0AA
United Kingdom


  • Michelle Kass

Represents writers for film. Full-length MSS. Literary fiction and drama scripts for film.

Will suggest revision where appropriate. Works with agents overseas. No reading fee.

Absolutely no unsolicited MSS without a preliminary phone call.

Founded 1991.

Michelle Kass Associates website
020-7439 1624

50 Albemarle Street

London, W1S 4BD
United Kingdom


  • Stephanie Ebdon

Book-length MSS; general but with special experience in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, history and education (20% worldwide including sub-agents' commission).

No fiction, articles or short stories except for existing clients. No children's books.

In order to consider your work they require the following material:

  • A covering letter a brief letter with your contact details and any relevant information, including any previously published work and any experience which relates to the book's subject matter.
  • A short synopsis. Fiction: outline the plot and main characters. Non-Fiction: a summary of the work and chapter outlines
  • Three consecutive chapters/ no more than 100 pages,
    • this should be double spaced with all pages numbered
    • Please put your name, address and contact number on the front of your manuscript
    • Please ensure that your name and the title of your work appear on all pages
  • Your CV

If you would rather submit by post, please state how you would like to receive your response (by email or post). If you would like a postal reply please include a small stamped addressed envelope or a large correctly stamped envelope if you would like your work returned. Please only send a copy of your work and not the original as items do go missing in the post.

Authors include Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Hugh Brogan, Donald Winnicott, Peter Moss, Sir Arthur Evans, Dorothy Richardson, Hugh Schonfield, Georg Groddeck, Patrick Casement, John Seely.

020-7493 4361

1 Clareville Grove Mews

London, SW7 5AH
United Kingdom


  • Sylvie Marston
  • Joanna Marston

All full-length MSS (excluding science fiction and poetry); also theatre, film and sound broadcasting.

No reading fee, but may take 3-4 months to consider full MSS. Send synopsis only in first instance, with letter outlining writing credits and whether MS has been previously submitted, plus return postage.

Authors include Richard Aldington, Simone de Beauvoir (in UK), Samuel Beckett (publication rights), Steven Berkoff, Alan Brownjohn, Sandy Brownjohn, Donald Campbell, Nick Dear, Neil Donnelly, J.T. Edson, Bernard Farrell, Rainer Werner Fassbinder (in UK), Jean Genet, Franz Xaver Kroetz, Don McCamphill, Heiner Muller (in UK), Graham Reid, Alan Sillitoe, Botho Strauss (in UK), Rina Vergano, Anthony Vivis, Wim Wenders (in UK).

Represents screenwriters in film and TV; also all other forms excluding science fiction and poetry.

Send synopsis only in the first instance, with letter outlining writing credits and whether script has been previously submitted, plus return postage.

Clients include: Wim Wenders (UK only), and work of Rainer Werner Fassbinder (in UK).

Founded 1949.

Rosica Colin Ltd website
020-7370 1080
020-7244 6441

3 South Terrace

London, SW7 2TB
United Kingdom


  • Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson

    Founded 1995.

    General full-length MSS  - no children's books.

  • Deborah Sinclair-Stevenson

Founded 1995.

General full-length MSS  - no children's books.

Sinclair-Stevenson website
020-7581 2550
020-7581 2550

19 New Row

London, WC2N 4LA
United Kingdom

Full-length MSS. General fiction and non-fiction, thrillers, contemporary and historical novels.

No unsolicited MSS, and no submissions by email.

Specialists in handling German translation rights. Represented in the USA by various agents.

Tanja Howarth Literary Agency website
020-7240 5553

11-15 Betterton Street

London, WC2H 9BP
United Kingdom

Fiction, non-fiction, children's, biography, travel. Full-length MSS (home 12%, overseas 20%), short MSS (12%/20%), film and radio (15%/20%), TV (15%/15%). Will suggest revision.

Authors include Charlotte Bingham, Terence Brady, Peter Willet, and the Estate of John Bingham.

Founded 1998.

United Authors Ltd website
020-7470 8886
020-7470 8887