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Online Markets for Writers - Anthony Tedesco, Paul Tedesco | Work

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Browse Online Markets for Writers - Anthony Tedesco, Paul Tedesco

Henry Holt & Company Inc

Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
Inside Book Publishing (Career Builders Guides) Giles Clark Routledge £19.99
The Internet for Writers (Teach Yourself) John Ralph Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Writing Your Life Story: How to Record and Present Your Memories for Friends and Family to Enjoy Michael Oke How To Books £9.99
WRITING FOR SOAPS (Writing Handbooks) CHRIS CURRY A&C Black £15.99
What If?: Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers Anne Bernays, Pamela Painter HarperCollins Publishers £10.80
Three Rules for Writing a Novel: A Guide to Story Development William Noble Paul S. Eriksson £11.99
How to Write Damn Good Fiction: Advanced Techniques for Dramatic Storytelling James N. Frey Macmillan £9.99
The Internet: A Writer's Guide Jane Dorner A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Essential English for Journalists, Editors and Writers (Pimlico) Harold Evans, Crawford Gillan Pimlico £15.99
Wither This Land William Venator WritersPrintShop £12.99
The Copyright Permission & Libel Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers (Wiley Books for Writers) Lloyd J. Jassin, Steven C. Schechter Wiley £13.99
Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day Joan Bolker Owl Books £15.95
A Sumerian Observation of the Kofels' Impact Event Alan Bond, Mark Hempsell WritersPrintShop £7.99
Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives Lajos Egri Touchstone £9.99
Understanding Publishers' Contracts Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £8.99
The Writer's Legal Guide (2nd ed) Tad Crawford Allworth Press,U.S. £14.95
How to Write a Million: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Succesful Author Orson Scott Card, Michael Ridpath, Ansen Dibell, Lewis Turco Robinson £9.99
Writing Popular Fiction (Writing Handbooks) Rona Randall Methuen Drama £15.99
Straws in the Wind - The Betrayal of Poland And One Family's Incredible Journey Eugene Krajewski First Century £7.99
Eats shoots and leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation Lynne Truss Profile Books £9.99

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