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2014 Cardiff International Poetry Competition

Closing date: 
14 March 2014
Open to all poets writing in English from all over the world Entry fee £15

The 2014 Cardiff International Poetry Competition is now open for entries. The competition offers one of the largest monetary prizes for a poetry competition of its kind. First prize is £5,000. Additional prizes are £500 for second place, £250 for third and five runners-up receive £50 each. All entries to the competition will be judged anonymously, so this is a great opportunity to have your poetry judged on its own merits.

Poems must be written in English and be unpublished.

The hard task of judging the 2014 competition will be down to award-winning poets Lemn Sissay, Rhian Edwards and filter judge Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch.

How to enter

Visit the Literature Wales website, or contact Literature Wales at

Closing date: 
14 March 2014
Open to all poets writing in English from all over the world Entry fee £15