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NAWE and Arvon


National Association of Writers in Education Writers in Schools Research Programme

NAWE has just announced a new project which sets out to explore and monitor the effectiveness of writers working in schools in a variety of ways, over a 3-year period. NAWE has found that potential funders are reluctant to commit support without hard evidence in the form of statistics charting pupils’ development as writers and readers, so this project will use 81 residencies, with writers representing both a variety of genres and cultural backgrounds.

The Director Paul Munden writes: 'This is an exceptional opportunity for many writers and schools... We are aiming to make a significant contribution to creativity within the classroom and the whole school culture. This is not about writers being harnessed to the curriculum, it's all to do with enriching pupils' experience and proving what anecdotal evidence has told us for some time - that all sorts of standards will be raised as a result.'

Arvon course for performance poets

A unique course interrogating the voice of the poem as heard on the page or onstage. An opportunity for poets familiar with performance to make their written work fully alive in the readers ear and for poets less confident in performing to discover how to give good readings. The poets will create new writing during the week but are encouraged to bring selected poems and work in progress with them.

Monday 3 July to Saturday 8 July at the Hurst in Shropshire, England

Tutored by Mimi Khalvati and Malika Booker

Course link