Good News 2
Writers' own stories of their triumphs!
Now and then we hear really encouraging stories from writers of how they're managed to overcome problems and get their work published, find a wider audience, or achieve satisfaction as writers in some other way. To counteract the often gloomy updates in News Review, this feature focuses on all the good news!
Please tell us about the positive things that have happened to you and we'll put your story on the site to encourage other writers. Email us with up to 100 words labelled 'Good news'. Sorry but WritersServices' decision on whether or not to include each contribution is final.
Deborah's Story Part 2
This week, Deborah Lawrenson, who has written for Good News before about her successful experience of self-publishing, has contributed this cheering update.
Back in February, you posted my message to you about my experience of self-publishing. The story gets better... In June Random House UKPenguin Random House have more than 50 creative and autonomous imprints, publishing the very best books for all audiences, covering fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books, autobiographies and much more. Click for Random House UK Publishers References listing bought the rights to my novel The Art of Falling, and will be publishing their edition as an Arrow paperback in July 2005. The German rights have also been sold, after an auction.
But the best part, as far as self-publishers are concerned, is that copies of the first edition are becoming objects of desire. My book features this month as a "New Collectable" in Book and Magazine Collector, the bible for serious collectors, and the price that dealers and others are willing to pay is rising at an astonishing rate. The book has been withdrawn from bookshops as part of the Random House deal, but sales to collectors are permissible. And, of course, as publisher, I hold the stock.
Deborah Lawrenson
Stop press! The first signed limited edition copy of The Art of Falling that was auctioned on e-Bay has just made £199.99!
Truly, the self-publisher's reward for doggedness!
Visit Deborah's website
WritersPrintShop, WritersServices' self-publishing service
© Deborah Lawrenson 2004