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The Magazine Writer's Handbook (Writers' guides) - Gordon Wells | Work

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Detailed information on more than 70 British magazines , including their target readership, subjects dealt with, how to submit material, including presentation, and likely payment.

Non-Fiction Writing

Browse The Magazine Writer's Handbook (Writers' guides) - Gordon Wells

Allison & Busby



Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
The Complete Book of Scriptwriting J.Michael Straczynski Titan Books Ltd £16.99
On Writing Stephen King Hodder Paperbacks £9.99
Research for Writers (Writing Handbooks) Ann Hoffmann A & C Black Publishers Ltd £11.99
Writing Poetry (Teach Yourself: writer's library) Matthew Sweeney, John Hartley Williams Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Writing Your Way: Creating a Personal Journal Ellen Jaffe Sumach Press £13.50
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting Syd Field Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group £11.00
Oxford Writers' Dictionary (Oxford Paperback Reference) R.E. Allen Oxford Paperbacks £6.99
Fifty Shades Trilogy Boxed Set E L James Arrow £23.97
Writing Dialogue for Scripts (Writing Handbooks) Rib Davis A & C Black Publishers Ltd £11.99
Getting into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn from Actors (Social Science) Brandilyn Collins Wiley £11.99
The Elements of Style William Strunk Jr., E. B. White Pearson £9.99
The Poet in You Jay Ramsay O Books £11.99
Writing Comedy: A Guide to Scriptwriting for TV, Radio, Film and Stage Ronald Wolfe Robert Hale Ltd £9.99
A Writer's Guide to the Internet (Writers' Guides) Trevor Ralph Lockwood, Karen Scott Allison & Busby £8.99
A Sumerian Observation of the Kofels' Impact Event Alan Bond, Mark Hempsell WritersPrintShop £7.99
Getting it Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious About Serious Books (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing and Publishing) William Germano University of Chicago Press £22.00
So You Wanna be an Au Pair in the USA Cynthia Jele WritersPrintshop £8.99
Fifty Shades Freed: 3/3 E L James Arrow £7.99
Vestiges of Freedom William Venator WritersPrintShop £9.99
The Cambridge Association for the Care of Girls Christina Paulson-Ellis WritersPrintShop £14.95

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