In my opinion, one of the most brilliant and powerful things about poetry is that it can be a vehicle for children to write in their voice, about their life. Read more
The middle grade years are often called the golden age of reading, a time when kids connect fiercely with characters and stories. Some of the all-time bestsellers in children's literature (think Harry Potter and Diary of a Wimpy Kid) are middle grade books. Read more
Text-generating AI Creativity Engine claims that writer's block "could soon be a thing of the past for young authors".
The app uses the digitised archives of children's authors, including former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen, Valerie Bloom and John Agard, to "drive young writers' imaginations". The young person starts writing a story and then take turns writing with the AI. Read more
Ahead of the launch of Out of the Ashes, my first book for adults, the question I keep getting asked, more than any other, is: What difficulties did you encounter writing this novel, as a YA writer? Read more
The history of children's books and literature, and the genre as a whole, has been the subject of many different debates: what makes a good children's book, whether adults should read children's books, and the ways that children's literature has been overlooked, denigrated, or considered ‘not real literature'.
Harriet Muncaster is the bestselling author of the Isadora Moon series and the middle-grade Victoria Stitch series (Oxford Children's Books). Her new book, Emerald and the Ocean Parade, was published on 2 March and introduces Emerald, Isadora's mermaid friend.
CHICAGO (AP) - As the new school year swings into gear, some students carry heavier worries than keeping up with homework: Demand has been growing steadily for children's books that address traumatic events such as school shootings. Read more
Good children's literature is a serious business. Not serious as in boring or "improving", but serious in attention and ambition, serious about beauty and wonder, about engaging the brain but also the heart, about sadness and difficulty, but also about silliness and joy. Above all, it is serious about the legitimacy of a child's world - which is a world away from being child-ish.
NEW YORK (AP) - Barbara Kingsolver, this year's recipient of a National Book Award medal for literary achievement, remembers well the years she couldn't imagine receiving such honors.
A day after the UK signed the first international treaty addressing the risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) has called on the UK government to go further and protect "creators" from a "mass violation of their rights".
'When you read a book, you're totally lost in your own private world, and society says that's a good and a wonderful thing. But if you play a game by yourself, it's this weird, fucked-up socially damaging activity.'