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Costa Short Story Award 2013

Closing date: 
2 August 2013
Authors aged 18 years or over whose primary residence has been the UK or Ireland for the past three years
Prize First prize is £3,500, second prize is £1,500, and third prize is £500.

The Award is for a previously unpublished short story of up to 4,000 words written in English by an author aged 18 years or over. The author's primary residence must have been the UK or Ireland for the past three years. There is no entry fee and stories may be submitted b publishers or by the authors. Entry is through a form on the website. Authors may only submit one story and the Award will be judged anonymously.

The judges will be Richard Beard, Fanny Blake, Gary Kemp, Victoria Hislop, and Simon Trewin.

Their website

Closing date: 
2 August 2013
Authors aged 18 years or over whose primary residence has been the UK or Ireland for the past three years
Prize First prize is £3,500, second prize is £1,500, and third prize is £500.