Angieˈs Stories Online magazine featuring original essays and stories, staff-written articles on politics, psychology, philosophy, lifestyle, t Read more
Free resource which offers a lot of information about short stories and how to publish them. Will launch an ezine in January 2015 and currently looking for short stories of 1,500 to 5,000 words.
Sub-titled A Library of Literary Interestingness, this website specialises in quotes but also has things such as Five Fascinating Facts about Roald Dahl, 10 Great Quotations from Writers about Cats and Five Fascinating Facts about George Orwell's 1984. It's fun, idiosyncratic and perfect if you enjoy that kind of thing.
A labour of love for a group of academics who have compiled biographies of innumerable authors and links to other authors’ websites. Will you be there one day? (
If you write Horror, it's worth checking out this UK site for horror writers. Post work online, read articles about writing in the Horror genre and recomended books.
New site for writers balancing their work with family life, which is really more of a blog - and quite an entertaining one.
Although not strictly a writers' magazine, this site allows writers to hone their article-writing skills and get their work published on the web. There are no submission fees but also no fees paid. Clear guidelines enable writers to work on writing to a commercial brief for online publication.
An online American teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing and art, and supported by a non-profit organisation. Much encouragement and lots of samples of teen writing.
As someone who's on their sixth novel and has had their ups and downs, I'm aware of how privileged and lucky I have been, and what a shock it can be for debut writers - all the reality of that world, and that new voice and when the book doesn't quite take off, it's a shock. Read more
‘Starting with a blank page is part of what makes writing a book so vulnerable. A novel can be anything, and the way it turns out is highly personal.'
This week we have broken through 10,000 pages on the WritersServices site! Our huge site contains an enormous amount of information which can be accessed through the homepage or through Advice for Writers, which gives a breakdown of what is on the site.
‘Georgette Heyer was my favourite author, then and now.
Mashing genres can be a tricky business. Do it right, and you've created a short story, book or movie that remixes those respective genres' elements in new and exciting ways-for instance, Philip K. Dick memorably using a detective narrative to explore the post-apocalyptic setting of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
POD started off being closely associated with the self-publishing market, as it allows authors to publish for hundreds of dollars, if not zero dollars. It has never really shaken off that association, even though it has been a godsend for authors and publishers alike. Read more
Royalties earned from The Golden Mole, published in the US this week as Vanishing Treasures, will be given towards counteracting ‘the election of a climate-change denier'
'I've been lucky'
As someone who's on their sixth novel and has had their ups and downs, I'm aware of how privileged and lucky I have been, and what a shock it can be for debut writers - all the reality of that world, and that new voice and when the book doesn't quite take off, it's a shock. Read more