Ride the Pen Blog
This useful blog features detailed advice for creative writing of any kind (novels, short stories, screenplays, plays, etc...). Every post first analyses the work of a famous author (Kafka, Ibsen,...) and explains how the work applies a certain priciple, often featuring excerpts of the work. Then there is a counter-example of how NOT to do it, as sometimes you can recognize a weakness in your own writing much more clearly when you have seen it first-hand in somebody else's writing.
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Writers' Blogs
- Our Links listing provides a review of some sites which contain useful information for writers.
- Inclusion in this list does not imply any support for the aims, objectives, policy or advice given.
- Our comments reflect our personal view.
- Please remember that we have no control over these sites and they might relocate or vanish.
- Do tell us about any changes, so we can make corrections, or to suggest sites we can add to the list.
- We would particularly like to add more links to sites outside the UK.
- Reciprocal links would be appreciated.