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National Association of Writers in Education: new resources

Under the title Turning the Next Page, UK writers organisation NAWE has assembled a series of resources commissioned as part of an ongoing project in Scotland, funhded by Creative Scotland, supporting the careers of writers.

Go to their site and help yourself to them as downloadable PDFs. The new ones are:

1) Rich text: A guide for poets publishing their work in ezines by Chris McCabe
2) Write First Work Later: Living Your Writing While Making a Living by Jennifer Williams. This is the first in a series of articles by poets on keeping the creative flame alive.

Still to come is a guide to self-publishing for poets being written by Gerry Cambridge, a guide to making the most of literature festivals for writers and articles in the creative flame series.

Existing resources cover these subjects:

Freelance Journalism

Writing for Business

Making Workshops Work

Your Book Needs You!

It's good to see that NAWE, which recently had its funding withdrawn by Arts Council England, is continuing the good work!

Go to NAWE