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Online payment information

Making Online payments

Providing information from your credit or debit card  Read more

Order check list

If you have never bought anything over the Internet before....

try WritersServices

But before you do, there are a few things you might like to check  Read more

Sending your manuscript

Sending material to us

We prefer to handle everything electronically. 

This is because it takes up less space, files are much cheaper to send and it is much faster.

Please always send your manuscript as one unzipped Word file, not broken up into chapters.

Please note that any illustrations should be sent as email attachments in jpeg or tiff format.  Read more

Ordering options

There are 3 steps to order any service
  1. Complete the order form
  2. Send any document by attaching to an email to:
  3. Pay any fee

Your questions answered  Read more

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