A carefully selected collection of some of the best poems and quotes on a variety of topics written by famous poets and for different occasions, including Love, Easter, Christmas, Birthday, Weddings, Valentine's Day and Grief.
Specialist book club founded by T S Eliot in 1953, which aims to offer the best new poetry published in the UK and Ireland. Members buy at 25% discount. The PBS has a handsome new website at www.poetrybooks.co.uk
Ambitious brand-new online bookselling site, set up by the Poetry Book SocietySpecialist book club founded by T S Eliot in 1953, which aims to offer the best new poetry published in the UK and Ireland. Members buy at 25% discount. The PBS has a handsome new website at www.poetrybooks.co.uk, which offers 90,000 poetry titles available in the UK and continuously updated news, articles, poetry events, updates and information about poetry. www.poetrybookshoponline.com
If you'd like to share your poetry and see a constantly-changing array of poems, this website might be for you. There's a free trial but annual membership costs $34.95 (£17.15). http://www.worldofpoets.com
You can join this poetry community which invites you to read and publish edgy, dark and dirty poems. Not for everyone, but certainly rather challenging. http://deepundergroundpoetry.com
Submit your poems to this site to get them published online, 48 hour response guaranteed. They are looking for 'warm, inspired, quality poems in English'. http://poem2day.blogspot.com/
The national society of Welsh writers, this offers a wide range of support for Welsh writers and writers in Welsh, including courses, competitions, conferences, author tours international exchanges, reading and literary performances. Read more
This week we have broken through 10,000 pages on the WritersServices site! Our huge site contains an enormous amount of information which can be accessed through the homepage or through Advice for Writers, which gives a breakdown of what is on the site.
‘Georgette Heyer was my favourite author, then and now.
Mashing genres can be a tricky business. Do it right, and you've created a short story, book or movie that remixes those respective genres' elements in new and exciting ways-for instance, Philip K. Dick memorably using a detective narrative to explore the post-apocalyptic setting of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
POD started off being closely associated with the self-publishing market, as it allows authors to publish for hundreds of dollars, if not zero dollars. It has never really shaken off that association, even though it has been a godsend for authors and publishers alike. Read more
Royalties earned from The Golden Mole, published in the US this week as Vanishing Treasures, will be given towards counteracting ‘the election of a climate-change denier'
One of TikTok's defining subcultures is arguing over whether books are political, "red-listing" authors, and looking for guidance in speculative fiction.
'But then, that's the beauty of writing stories - each one is an exploratory journey in search of a reason and a shape. And when you find that reason and that shape, there's no feeling like it.'