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Timothy Hallinan

author of The Fourth Watcher; began writing books while enjoying successful career in television industry; author of number of novels and a non-fiction book on Charles Dickens

Setting as character

Where does your book take place?

by Timothy Hallinan, author of A Nail through the Heart

"Everything happens somewhere"
 -- Pieter Haag

Where does your book take place?

Of course, on one level, it takes place in the hearts, minds, and imaginations of your characters. On another level, it might take place in Omaha. Or Venus.  Read more

My Say - Timothy Hallinan

My Say gives writers a chance to air their views about writing and the writer's life.

Contributions should ideally be 200 to 400 words in length and of general interest. Please email them to us. WritersServices' decision on whether or not to include each contribution is final.

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