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Million visitors

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NEWS FROM WritersServices

21 November 2003


More than a million sessions have now been recorded at the WritersServices website, one of the most comprehensive resources for writers available on the internet.

Set up in Spring 2001, the website, at, attracts more than 25,000 visitors each week. It provides more than 1,200 pages of advice and information for writers at all levels, with everything from help on how to get started to identifying a literary agents and dealing with publishers. It also has useful links to other sites that writers may find valuable.

Visitors to the site come from all over the world. Charles Jones, one of the founders of WritersServices, points out that, although the service is based in the UK,’ he says. ‘Its appeal is international. ‘Eighty per cent of our visitors are from outside the UK. They come from the US and Canada, from Australasia and the Far East, and from Africa, as well as from Europe. Quite a high proportion of them may not be native English speakers, but may need help with preparing manuscripts for publication in English.’

As well as receiving free advice, visitors can access a wide range of professional services offered by WritersServices. These include readers’ and editor’s reports on the quality of manuscripts, full editorial services and proof-reading. An innovative manuscript polishing service helps those whose first language is not English to present their manuscripts in a form that will be acceptable to publishers. Other services provide help with scriptwriting and writing for children.

WritersServices has recently introduced WritersPrintShop to assist writers who want to publish their work themselves. Using ‘print on demand’ technology it offers affordable design, print and worldwide distribution service for self-publishers.

‘Breaking through the million visitors tape has been a major milestone for WritersServices,’ says Charles Jones. ‘It proves that there is a great demand for the help that our website can offer , and for the services we provide. Using the world wide web is the ideal way to reach our audience.’